KBF’s Alternative Child Care Program (ACCP) is a testament to the pursuance of its mission of providing a safe and loving permanent home to Filipino children……
Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, Inc. (KBF) commits to fulfilling and promoting the child’s rights to quality education. We believe that families, if organized and empowered can be instruments for community development and nation-building…..
Holt International – Sponsorship Orphan Care Program was started in the Philippines in July 1984, a preliminary proposal on the Sponsorship Program between the Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC NCR) and Holt International Children’s Services was agreed upon……
KBF’s Child Nutrition Program supports orphanages to improve health monitoring, filling in the gaps to create a more complete picture of health for every child in care, everywhere we work.
KBF's Alternative Child Care Program (ACCP) is a testament to the pursuance of its mission of providing a safe and loving permanent home to Filipino children.
ACCP aims to provide quality alternative child care services that will ensure the protection of a child without parental care.
KBF provides planned temporary family care to children from newborn to five years old while waiting to be reunited with their birth family or be adopted.
Licensed foster families provide the family environment needed for the growth and development of the child in their care.
This is a socio administrative process that establishes a permanent parent-child relationship between persons not related by birth.
KBF provides professional services required from the time of recruitment of adoptive families to the finalization of adoption.
Domestic adoption is now easier, cheaper, and streamlined - - you don't have to undergo court proceedings.
Independent Living and Educational Assistance (ILEA) provides housing, school fees coverage, job training and placement, and other support services to abandoned/orphaned youths in their late teens who have 'aged-out' of child-caring agencies/orphanages.
KBF has recognized the need for service continuity with education as its main tool to prepare them for the real world.
The concept of ILEA was born to help these children become independent, productive and Godfearing citizens in the near future.
Be KBF's advocacy partner to help our youth!

Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, Inc. commits to fulfilling and promoting the child's rights to quality education. We believe that families, if organized and empowered, can be instruments for community development and nation-building and, more so, for the children to enjoy their rights. The family must receive assistance to realize and appreciate their potential and identify their needs and corresponding solutions or actions based on available resources.
We believe that people can change and start where they are.
We believe in cooperation and organized collective effort/action, not individualistic competition for nation-building.
A. 1986 Constitution "Roles and Rights of People's Organization". B. EO 548 "Minimum Basic Needs Approach in the Social Reform Agenda. c. UNCRC
- It aims to empower disadvantaged families to care for and nurture their children
- Improve the quality of life of disadvantaged families and communities through organizing, problem-solving and decision-making
Family and Community Outreach Program (FCOP) expect to reach out to the most disadvantaged children and families whose income is below the poverty line, thus unable to meet their minimum basic needs or access essential social services/resources.
Holt International “Orphan Care” Program was started in the Philippines in July 1984, a preliminary proposal on the Sponsorship Program between the Reception and Study Center for Children – RSCC NCR and Holt International Children’s Services was agreed upon and immediately implemented in August 1984. There were forty-seven (47) babies sponsored until December 1984.
The assurance from Holt to continue the Sponsorship Program thru 1985 brought about a more significant relationship and appreciation between the two agencies. This financial assistance proved to be a timely response to the increasing needs of the growing admission at RSCC Quezon City.
Republic Act 6972 mandates the Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy act of 2012″ and applicable National Privacy Commission Issuance. Any violation of this clause and any of the provisions of the said law and issuance by the persons above shall be subject to the corresponding sanctions, penalties, and fines under the said law without prejudice to any other applicable criminal and civil liability.DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM
Holt International Sponsorship Program enables sponsors, the child care centers, foster care children, families of children in the community, and staff in-country to share in providing vital services to needy children. Good photographs and comprehensive, timely child reports are Sponsorship’s primary tool to funding overseas programs serving children successfully.
Child Sponsorship allows an individual to provide funds to assist a child’s well-being until te child becomes self-sufficient.
This is a way for Holt to raise funds to support the children and families in Holt’s programs.
The goal for each child in Sponsorship are Family Preservation, Family Reunification, Adoption or Long Term Care.

Who are eligible for Holt International - Sponsorship "Orphan Care" Program
A Child Care Agency who provides twenty-four hour residential group care service for children 0-12 years old who are abandoned, orphaned, neglected or surrendered; and can be helped through socialization; those who are underweight or malnourished but are free from communicable disease.
Sponsored Child Care Center needs the financial support of Holt International to augment its resources to meet the needs of the children in care.
Responsibilities of the Sponsored
Child Caring Agencies
Holt Sponsored Child Caring Agency will prepare and submit the following Reports with JPEG photos on time.
Intake Report with JPEG photos of the children.
- Intake Reports with JPEG photos are to be accomplished and submitted for the initial children;
- A new Intake Report/s with JPEG photos will be required and submitted for replacement case every time a sponsored children is discharged.
- Progress Report/s with JPEG photos of the children submitted on the trimester cycle (three times a year), i.e. every four (4 months of the current year; and
- Departure Report/s to be submitted when a sponsored child/ren is/are discharged under the Sponsorship Program. The Departure Report or Discharge Report should be submitted within the quarter after the child’s discharge from the Sponsorship Program. The new replacement will require a new intake report and JPEG photo.
- Prepare and submit the following Annual Holt Child Correspondence Artwork, Letter, and JPEG Photo of children for submission to Holt International through KBF.
CNP supports orphanages to improve health monitoring, filling in the gaps to create a more complete picture of health for every child in care, everywhere we work.TRAINING OF TRAINERS
Through this model of intensive training of trainers who will train others, we maximize our outreach exponentially. The training comes with tools to support caregivers as they learn concepts and implement the skills and practices.
Tracking and monitoring a child’s growth is the best way to identify risk of malnutrition. Through the NSS, caregivers learn how to track critical indicators for every child in care. The NSS is accompanied by a database that empowers caregivers to not only provide better individual child care, but also track trends across the institution to inform best practices.
This training is designed for children who cannot feed themselves, primarily for infants and children with disabilities. WE have found that small interventions like holding a baby during feeding, sitting children upright or changing the texture if their food can have dramatic life-changing effects for the child.ABOUT KBF
Kaisahang Buhay Foundation Incorporated is a private, non-profit child and family welfare organization duly licensed and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and certified as a donee institution by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Philippine Council for NGO Certification. The organization’s name, Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, stands for oneness within the family and meaningful life for the children it serves.
Address: #56 10th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109
Phone: (+63) 912-1159
Email: kbf@kbf.ph
Website: www.kbf.ph
Facebook Page: facebook.com/kaisahangbuhayfoundation